The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Monash University is hosting a public lecture by CSER co-founder and Academic Director, Professor Huw Price, titled "The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Academia's Role in Getting it Right."


In a famous 1950 paper about machine intelligence (the one in which he introduces what we now call the Turing Test) Alan Turing ends like this: he says “We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.”

That’s still true for us, as we contemplate the future of artificial intelligence from our own vantage point, seven decades into Turing’s future. But what needs to be done now?

Professor Price will discuss this issue from the perspective of an academic whose own life and career spans most of those seven decades – the last of them in Cambridge, where he’s been fortunate to work with many colleagues who have their eyes on our long term future. His key message is that we academics face an engineering challenge: How can we build the most effective academic collaborations, to do our part in 'getting AI right'?

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