Generality and Intelligence: from Biology to AI

Although AI is becoming increasingly important in research, economics, culture, and society, an appreciable gap remains between the generality of modern AI systems and the behavioral flexibility of humans. The goal of this workshop is threefold. First, to consider various conceptualizations and definitions of generality from different disciplines and perspectives. Second, to come up with a better understanding of this diversity of interpretations, their commonalities and differences, and how entangled they are with the very notion of intelligence. Finally, to evaluate current AI/ML algorithms in the context of generality and identify computational paradigms that can be implemented in the next generation AI technologies.The workshop will bring together a diverse group of researchers who work on the cognitive and computational mechanisms of learning and the information flow in biological and artificial neural networks, looking at their current research through the prism of generality and generalization.

This meeting will launch a series of more extensive workshops that will take place in Cambridge, UK, and Cambridge, MA, in the following two years, co-organised by the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab and the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence.

Lisa Amini, Marta Halina, Jose Hernandez-Orallo, Dmitry Krotov, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, Henry Shevlin, Michael Witbrock

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