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Existential risks in the 21st Century
Now is an important time for efforts to reduce existential risk. This is the first century in which one species holds the future of the planet in its hands – us. Will we be able to reap the benefits of technology or will the human story end with us? Because these risks are low-probability/high-impact, they have been largely neglected to date. However real progress has been made: together we’ve furthered our understanding, developed shared strategies, and grown the small community tackling these risks.
Our work to date
We’ve fostered a global community reducing existential risk: European, Asian and American policy-makers, technologists from AI giants to synthetic biology start-ups, and academics from many disciplines. We’ve helped establish hubs like the Centre for the Future of Intelligence. We've built the field with cutting-edge research and more than 30 workshops like our Conference on Catastrophic Risk. And we’ve developed shared strategies that are having policy impact, like influencing the Papal Encyclical on Climate Change.
Our supporters
We would like to thank the following generous benefactors - amongst others - for their support and partnership
What would your contribution enable?
We study extreme risks, develop collaborative strategies to combat them, and foster a global community of academics, technologists and policy-makers working together to safeguard humanity. None of this would be possible without the backing of donors. Funding contributions of all levels have an impact.
Research and workshops
Expert workshops on specific risks and cross-cutting issues; production of reports relevant to policymakers and industry
International engagement
A programme of visiting experts to engage with our work; travel and conference funds to build global networks
Public events to raise awareness
Seminars, public lectures and conferences; high quality recording of talks and discussions
Postdoctoral researchers
Our research team brings together a wide variety of interdisciplinary expertise