VMSG 60th Anniversary Lecture Series: How can social sciences be used to explore how communities think and feel about volcanic risk and to better inform disaster risk management?

As part of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group's (VMSG) 60th Anniversary celebrations, we will be hosting a special public lecture at the University of Cambridge, hosted between the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk and Cambridge Volcanology Group.

We're delighted to be joined by two speakers Dr Blaise Mafuko Nyandwi from the University of Goma, DRC and Professor Amy Donovan from the University of Cambridge to share their research and experiences on the theme "How can social science be used to explore how communities think and feel about volcanic risk and to better inform disaster risk management?"

Dr Blaise Mafuko Nyandwi will share his research and expertise in working with vulnerable communities in Goma, DRC to understand volcanic risk perceptions and to develop inclusive and equitable disaster risk reduction strategies for the city. 

Blaise in the field

Prof Amy Donovan has a wealth of experience in conducting participatory research in the Global South and will share her insights on developing equitable partnerships and the complexities of working with marginalised groups. 

VMSG_seminar photo

This event is open to the public. For any further information please contact the event organisers Dr Lara Mani (lm881@cam.ac.uk) or Mia Wroe (mw877@cam.ac.uk).

VMSG seminar


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