Reuben Makomere

Visiting Researcher, May 2024 - June 2024

Reuben is a University Associate at the University of Tasmania, Faculty of Law. He is also the Africa Programme Lead/Policy and Legal Research Fellow at the International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification (OA Alliance) with experience in research, international diplomacy, law, and policy design in several countries including Kenya, Australia, and China. In these roles, he leads research into governance of vulnerable socio-ecological systems in response to climate-ocean change. His role also involves designing and negotiating the development of institutional arrangements at sub-national, national, regional, and international levels in response of such complex phenomena. With a focus on policy design, law, and governance broadly conceived, his expertise encompasses multiple pivotal domains, including ocean acidification (OA), climate change, and developmental governance. His research spans a wide spectrum, delving into the application of existing legal and policy structures to catalyse responses to critical issues such as ocean acidification, existential risk, and climate change.

At CSER, Reuben will work to advance the role of law - across scales - in managing existential risk, drawing on the expertise of the Systemic Risk group at CSER. The findings will be shared with the Nairobi Convention Secretariat and the African Union to inform policymaking on addressing the existential risk posed by the potential collapse of marine ecosystems, particularly in the Western Indian Ocean, which threatens the livelihoods of a burgeoning youthful population. This project seeks to eventually serve as a roadmap for examining and designing governance mechanisms that could mitigate socio-ecological collapse, strengthening the link between law and existential risk studies. This is especially relevant considering the demographic and developmental imperative; and advancing a sustainable blue economy in developing regions including Africa.

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