Taniel Yusef

Research Affiliate

Taniel is a researcher and advocate working on various portfolios at the UN, European and UK parliaments, with an emphasis on disarmament. She specifically focusses on weapons technology regulation, (ai, nuclear weapons, outer space threats and cyber-security), as well as supply chain, global trade, development, emerging economies and gender. Taniel has a number of roles including Technology Developers Coordinator of the UK Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, Visiting Lecturer at the University of East London and WILPF Advisory Board, recently stepping down as WILPF International Representative (UK). She researches conflict and resilience on the ground particularly with a gendered lens.

She had a previous career in the arts, with two MAs before her LLM in Economic Law, Justice and Development. In parallel, she studied as an associate; International Humanitarian Law, Laws Of Armed Conflict, Feminist Legal Theory, Human Rights Law, Peace Building (Israel Palestine) and has undertaken additional study in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with quantum computing. She is currently working on emergent unpredictability in algorithm based systems, data archiving and compute supply chain bottle-necks / monopolies.

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