Pluralisms in Existential Risk Studies (Invitation only)

Gideon Futerman, SJ Beard (CSER) and Anders Sandberg (FHI) are hosting a Workshop on Pluralisms in Existential Risk Studies from 11th-14th May at Wytham Abbey in Oxfordshire. The event will bring together researchers from across the discipline of Existential Risk Studies and beyond to discuss a variety of aspects of pluralisms in the field. The workshop will involve discussions and presentations on:

  • The epistemic situation in Existential Risk Studies, including how evidence is created and what makes us able to rely on the epistemic fruits of research
  • Issues involving the governance of existential risk, and lessons work on one contribution can have for others
  • Narratives around Existential Risk and the consequences of these
  • Ethical dimensions to Existential Risk and its mitigation
  • Methodologies that are used, or ought to be used, in Existential Risk Studies
  • Ideas for how the field could to be socially organised and concrete steps to deal with pluralism in the most productive manner

The workshop is a collaboration between the Future of Humanity Institute and the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.

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