Research Horizons

31 January 2018

Issue 35 of the University of Cambridge's research magazine Research Horizons highlighted CSER and our sister organisation the Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI), including:

Living with AI by Prof. Huw Price & CFI's Dr Karina Vold.

The uncertain unicycle that taught itself, highlighting our collaborators Prof. Zoubin Ghahramani and Dr Emily Shuckburgh.

Robots can go all the way to Mars but they can't pick up the groceries, highlighting Prof. Huw Price.

What's next for thinking machines, highlighting CFI's Dr Stephen Cave and Professor José Hernández-Orallo.

From Homer to Hal, by CFI's Dr Kanta Dihal, Dr Sarah Dillon and Dr Beth Singler.

Attacker: Unknown, highlighting Dr Shahar Avin and Dr Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh.

In Tech We Trust, featuring Dr Jat Singh and CSER Advisor Dr Adrian Weller.

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