Dennis Müller

Research Affiliate

Dennis is a graduate student of mathematics at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Before that, he attended Bonn University and obtained his undergraduate degree from Cambridge University. He also has a professional background in software development. Dennis’s current research focuses on ethics in mathematics and operations research. He studies ethical challenges and societal risks related to modern mathematical technologies, including AI, modelling, and finance.

From 2017 to 2020, Dennis held a Reuben scholarship. Since 2018, he also holds a stipend with the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Germany’s oldest and most prestigious scholarship foundation. In 2022, he held a Design and Technology Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE), where he studied the role of German engineers in the Holocaust and learned about legal ethics concerning modern technologies. Dennis is also a founding member of the Ethics in Mathematics Project and has served as the president of the Cambridge University Ethics in Mathematics Society.

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