Francesco Bertolotti

Visiting Researcher, September 2023

Francesco is a postdoctoral researcher who specialized in designing dynamical models of complex systems for problem-solving and prediction activities, with a particular emphasis on agent-based models. His primary research focuses on utilizing simulations and agent-based modeling to uncover the underlying mechanisms driving changes in risk preferences. This work aims at contributing to a better understanding of how different entities make decisions in non-trivial environments.

His research interests also extend to investigating the emergence of power-law distributions, exploring sensitivity to initial conditions, comparing different simulation techniques, and developing simulation-based prediction methodologies. 

With Sabin Roman, he is working on a sustainability game to better understand how short-term decisions can affect the collapse of societal systems when resources are limited and have a fixed renewal time. During Francesco's visit,  they aim to finalize the paper, the idea for which has already been preliminarily approved for a special issue in a high-impact factor journal. Moreover, they plan to use the time at CSER to write a commentary on the relationship between sustainability and system science.

In addition to his research pursuits, Francesco is currently engaged in writing an informative book on generative artificial intelligence. The book aims to provide valuable insights into the latest advancements in the field of AI, with a specific focus on generative models and their potential impact across various domains.

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