Ross Gruetzemacher

Research Affiliate

Ross is the Executive Director of the Transformative Futures Institute, an Assistant Professor of Business Analytics at Wichita State University and a Foresight Institute Fellow. He works on forecasting and foresight methods related to technological progress and existential risk. His primary research focus is on the development and impacts of transformative AI.

Ross completed his PhD in business analytics from Auburn University on the topic of Forecasting Transformative AI. For this he traveled to over 25 AI conferences in 12 countries. He previously worked as a data scientist and completed his master’s degree in computational engineering while working as research assistant at the National Center for Computational Engineering at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

His work involving AI and forecasting has been published in outlets such as Technological Forecasting and Social Progress, Futures, Harvard Business Review, ACM Computing Surveys, and the Journal of the American Medical Association. He has presented work at the AAAI and ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society, the International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence and the European Commission Joint Research Centre.

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