S. M. Amadae

Research Affiliate & Visiting Researcher August - September 2024

S.M. Amadae is currently serving as the Director for the Global Politics and Communication MA Programme at the University of Helsinki; and research affiliate in Science, Technology, and Society at MIT.  She held a 2019-2020 Berggruen Fellow at the Center for the Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.  Current research focuses on the computational transformation of the public sphere and its implications for human agency and collective action, as well as sustainable consumption geared toward carbon neutral lifestyles. Publications include Prisoners of Reason:  Game Theory and Neoliberal Political Economy (Cambridge University Press, 2016) and the award winning Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy:  Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism (University of Chicago Press, 2003).  Amadae recently contributed to The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk (SIPRI, 2019) from the perspective of reducing existential risk of accidental or inadvertent nuclear war. Recent contributions to questions of the escalatory risk of nuclear deterrence include the roundtable discussion of “Advocating Nuclear Disarmament as NATO Members—Lessons from the Past and Possible Routes ahead for Finland and Sweden” and analysing Finnish public opinion regarding NATO and security pursuant to the Ukraine war.

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